Sunday, May 19, 2013

Stumptown, Vol. 2Stumptown, Vol. 2 by Greg Rucka

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ever since I’ve widened my scope of reading materials to include comics and graphic novels, I have stumbled across some pretty awesome stories to add to my library. I was initially worried that starting a series on Volume 2 would leave me lost and confused and not able to give an accurate opinion of the overall story. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I could jump right in and enjoy the story.

Stumptown Volume 2 collects “The Case of the Baby in the Velvet Case”, a Dex Parrios mystery. Dex is a P.I. who has been hired to find a precious guitar. While on the case, Dex finds herself trying to dodge some skinheads and the D.E.A. Greg Rucka crafts a fast pace, intense mystery that takes you on a wild ride from beginning to end and leaves you wanting more.  The intense action made it hard to put down. Couple Rucka’s writing with the art of Matthew Southworth and you have a beautiful book to add to your collection. The colors perfectly set the mood for a great mystery story.

The hardcover edition of Stumptown Volume 2 will release on September 4, 2013. I read a digital ARC from Netgalley, but I still prefer print to digital. I don’t think my computer really does the art justice.  Until then, I think I’ll go pick up Volume 1.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Arrival

The Arrival (BirthRight Trilogy, #1)The Arrival by Nicole MacDonald

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

When I requested an ARC copy of The Arrival by Nicole MacDonald, I was so excited to read it, a paranormal fantasy/ romance with not one, but four kick ass heroines, bring it on! Unfortunately, a clever story was not enough to pull a five star rating with me.

This story is about a group of four friends, with extensive martial arts training, that can’t seem to find love. So they do what any strong, independent woman would do, they cast a love spell. But, as they must, the spell goes awry.  They are transported into another world where they find themselves lower on the food chain then they are accustomed.

My highest praise for the book is the amazing world that MacDonald has crafted. She is able to allow the reader to fall into the world right along side the main characters and experience the new creatures and surroundings with the foursome. Also, MacDonald really conveys a strong girl-power message, even though the story revolves around the want/need for a partner. Every action scene further solidified the strength of the heroines.

To tell you the truth, I almost stopped reading the book a few different times out of boredom and an inability to connect to characters due to the constant, rapid changing points of view. Now, I think a shift in character perception can enhance the story on many different levels, but changing points of view multiple times per page can get confusing and leave the characters feeling a bit one dimensional. The characters personalities were lost among the shuffle. Eventually, the action would kick back up and pull me back into the story, but that is not enough to make me want to continue with the series.

Those that are fans of the genre, for the price the story is worth the read, despite my criticism, the writing is very well done, with just a few errors here and there. Just be prepared for the revolving points of view. Once you get used to that, it’s not a bad read.

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Friday, May 10, 2013

The Angel's Kiss: A Melody Malone MysteryThe Angel's Kiss: A Melody Malone Mystery by Justin Richards

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Melody Malone sets up a detective agency in 1930's Manhattan and is hired by an actor in his prime. She is tasked with uncovering the mastermind of a murder plot. Although the title is used in the Doctor Who episode The Angels Take Manhattan, there are very few similarities between the two. The Melody Malone character is spot on and a perfect setting for her sassy attitude. I thought this was a great story. But at 54 pages, it is way too short. For the low price, it's worth a read by Doctor Who and noir mystery fans.

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

How Possession Can Help You Lose Weight by Chris Dolley

After a few crappy days, I really needed a laugh. So I picked up How Possession Can Help You Lose Weight. I have been reading a few short ebooks here and there. I never really gave them a shot before, but I'm growing quite fond of them. I can pick it up on my lunch hour and be done before I'm back to my desk. It's a nice little escape. How Possession Can Help You Lose Weight was no exception. At 53 pages, including recipes, calorie counter, testimonials, and a demon dating questionnaire, this is a very light read and great for a giggle.

How Possession Can Help You Lose WeightHow Possession Can Help You Lose Weight by Chris Dolley

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

How Possession Can Help You Lose Weight is a hilarious parody of modern diets books. The chapters walk the reader through all the steps to making your thin dream come true! Sharing insight from Science and Clinical trials to Exorcism and Side Features (they aren't side effects, they are opportunities) all the while injecting humor and not a small amount of infomercial talk. They even include a helpful calorie counter, which you can access easily through the links in the Table of Contents.

This is a great pick for a quick chuckle and as I found out, a great little pick me up on a bad day.

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